Monday, March 19, 2012

You will know your loved ones in heaven.

Heaven will be interesting and exciting because you will never stop growing spiritually and intellectually. You will understand things in new ways, for “Now you see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then you shall see face to face. Now you know in part; then you shall know fully, even as you are fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). A new understanding will be given to you that will help you to know and understand things that you could never understand here in this fallen and limited world. But for all eternity, you will be growing and developing. You will be becoming more like Christ. Your character will more and more take on God’s qualities. You will gain new skills and abilities to serve God and work for him. There will be continuous progress and the excitement of new discoveries.

Heaven is a place of fellowship. Will you know your loved ones in heaven? Scripture points to the reality that you will know each other, and even know each other better than you do now. “Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that you will not know one another.

(Luke 16:23). The rich man recognized Abraham even though he had never seen him, as well as recognizing Lazarus — even though his appearance and condition had changed radically. So not only do people know each other in heaven, but people in hell know each other — and see and know people in heaven, which is part of their torment. Part of what makes heaven so wonderful is the wonderful, deep relationships you will enjoy there.

The Bible says that you are currently surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1). This cloud of witnesses is made up of the citizens of heaven. They are together in a heavenly fellowship of love, and you shall soon join them. The great joy of heaven will not only be a renewed relationship with God, but renewed relationships with those you have known, loved and lost. Love is the new food of heaven, and there will be plenty to go around. The rich love and fellowship of believers is one of rewards of heaven.

The Bible says, “You will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter ?1:11). Who is it that will welcome you? God and the host of heaven, to be sure. But there in the crowd will be those whom you have loved and known before. You will see them, speak to them and be joined to them — never to be separated again. And your relationship with them will be more than it was before, not less.

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