Saturday, March 31, 2012

Without a relationship, there is no faith.

Desire to be united in the cause of Jesus Christ as it is revealed in the word of God do not attempt to change the word of God to fit your desires, but rather to change yourself to fit the plan and purposes of God.

You are challenged in the word of God today in Colossians 2:6 where it says: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness”. Sending your roots deeper and deeper in Christ as a believer for you have been built up in Him. Too many are lost who you still must reach, so many who remain to be saved and many who are in need of support from you because of Christ in you.

So what do you do? Decide to believe God, step out in faith on what could possibly happen. Be willing to believe, that if God could take a Joshua and encourage him to only be strong and courageous, that same God could do the same for you if you choose the same path. Joshua, the leaders and the people banded together, and they received the promises of God and the land that God had for them. Discover a God who loves you and is faithful to His word.

When you Step Out on the word of God, you will discover there is no limit to the possibilities of what God will do, make yourself available to be used and know that you have been made for a mission. Recognize that in this mission, you are to demonstrate excellence in action, because you serve an Excellent God who does all things well. There is power in the unity found in Jesus Christ. When you with other Believers ban together as one solid unit, that is rooted in God, sustained by God, and directed by God, there is no limit to the potential to make a difference in the lives of others.

Until you knew of Christ, you didn’t come with a mission. But now from the power of the Holy Spirit you’ve been given a desire to do God’s will and to try to help encourage those that are in your every day journey. A lot of your success as a follower will be your willingness to believe that God loves you and if you put your trust in God, God will make a way for you.

If you are going to move forward with a united vision, you also are going to have to be united in your giving for the Kingdom of God. Do your part for the Harvest; in Christ through you many can escape eternal punishment.

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