Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Suffer not the Little Children to come unto Me

This day and for days before and for days to come, you are faced with important choices. As a Child of the Most High God, circumstances will and have already, come against you; situations that challenge you to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. NO one is exempt from this. It is part of the Lord's “vetting “process...His way of separating the good grains from the bad grains. It is also His way of strengthening you, “as if tried by fire”.

Metal is refined by a process that removes impurities. The resulting refinement brings very fine, very pure metal. Gold is refined in such a way. Remember that God sees you as gold, but He needs to bring the gold out from among the other impurities. He instructs you throughout His Word to beware of corruption by the world's ways, which are contrary to His Ways.

The world will and always has, tried to stand between you and the Father in Heaven, which is why the Savior came to reopen the pathway for you, back to God. The purpose of the refinement is to return you to a condition of innocence and a little child has innocence and purity. When the worldly priests attempted to stand between the little children and Christ Jesus, He admonished the priests to not hinder the little ones who were thirsting for the Lord. Jesus said, “For such is the Kingdom of Heaven”, meaning that the blind faith and enduring inquisitiveness of the babes were what He longed for, in His Kingdom. “Be as little children” and come to Him in full faith and child-like trust.

Jesus also warned that there would be great evil and deception that would tempt you to draw away from Him, in pursuit of worldly methods, transgressions of the Law and enjoyment of activities that were AND ARE, in fact, an assassination of your eternal soul. It might look, sound, taste and feel good, but the “ends are death”. James spoke, “...Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations, for the trying of your faith works patience”. James 1:2-3. When a babe in Christ is born, His Spirit comes upon that babe and in-spires the child to protect and nourish it for the days to come, when all manner of evil shall seek to destroy that which the Lord has laid claim to. But take heart and be of good cheer, for that which the Father has put into Christ's hands, no one shall be able to remove! YOU are safe in Him, who overcame Death to save you from evil. "Therefore, comfort one another with these words....."

You are part of the Body of Christ. The Body that will never perish, but last for all eternity. Even though you may be a babe in Him, you’re nurturing and guiding is important to him, or He wouldn't have sent His Spirit to provide for your teaching. Offer your contrite heart to the Lord; know how precious you are to the Savior; believe that He will not allow you to fall; Look behind you, where there is only one set of footprints in the sand. When the world comes against you, as it most assuredly will, trust that He is the one who carries you to safety, in loving arms that spanned the width of a Cross for you.

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