Friday, November 11, 2011

You have walked in circles around this mountain long enough.

What are you truly accomplishing in this life? Life has often been compared to a rat race, where you are forever on the move, only to discover that you keep coming back to the same starting point with every lap around Life’s block.
God has placed the cage around you as a human, set the terms of your existence and then set your world in motion. Now it is up to you to run the race according to his terms; so you have no choice but to run. The only question that remains is, where are you going to be when the race is finally over? Will all of your running in this life bring you to a destination of reward; or will it only bring you an end without meaningful results?
You will come to the end of this race sooner or later! There is a Finish Line waiting for you. But it’s what is beyond the Finish Line that you must be ever concerned about. Life is nothing more than a race; a journey to an ultimate destination. You will not escape that preset course. You are forced to run. The clock never stops ticking; time marches on and you cannot escape the spinning wheel of life.
Some struggle with the same old habits and many are trying as hard as they can but nothing is changing. The Lord is encouraging you to just keep running, but run where He tells you to run.
God won’t give up on you. You can win this battle. You can overcome this mountain in your life, if you just remain faithful until the race is won. In Deut2:2-3 the LORD is saying: you have walked in circles around this mountain long enough turn you northward. It’s time to quit circling mount Seir! It’s time to move on. Their backs were facing the Promised Land, meaning they were going in the opposite direction of where God wanted them to go, so God will turn you as He did them around and place you back on the right path.

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