Sunday, November 27, 2011


The whole purpose of salvation and the reason you are called to holiness is in order that you can come to KNOW God!  There is nothing "beyond being saved."  There is no other experience that goes beyond being filled with the Holy Spirit and finding God's strength.  But being saved is not complete until you are comfortable in God's PRESENCE!

Seeking God's FACE?  You do seek God for forgiveness of your sins. But you must seek Him for His strength and sanctifying grace. You will seek God's face when the crises come.  But learn that you are made for God, and that you desperately need God all the time. If you listen, if you pay attention to His Word, you will see how very much God is reaching out to you! 
Somehow you get the idea that God's greatest interest is destroying sin, and making you feel guilty so you will quit the sin business.  And there is no question that God is sick of injustice and sin in this sin-sick world. But that is not the end God has in mind. Or, as a Christian you think God is primarily interested in what you can GIVE to Him, and what you can DO FOR HIM. Even though God has commanded you to go into this needy world and spend and be spent for Him. But God is not impressed with your great gifts or your talents. There is something important that God is concerned about.
GOD WANTS YOUR LOVE! He wants you to leave sin because you LOVE Him!
He wants you to spend and be spent because YOU LOVE HIM!  And He wants you to learn to love Him because HE FIRST LOVED YOU!
God wants to fill the deepest need you have:  THE NEED TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE DEEPLY LOVED!  Most of the sins of the world are twisted LOVE.
Becoming a friend of God is a life-time project. It means a never-ending SEEKING! But once you seek the FACE of the Lord you will find that along with the seeking comes a wellspring of JOY!  And the seeking gets better, and goes deeper as you grow in the knowledge of God.
First you had to seek and find the reality of being saved from your sins. Then you begin to discover the purpose of God, and being saved from self-worship, and then you begin to know the satisfaction that comes from your accomplishments in Him. It is one of the open secrets of faith: If you SEEK TO live in God's Presence you will know JOY.  

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