Sunday, November 20, 2011

Looking and keep on looking till an answer is given.

Habakkuk 2:1-2 STAND at the guard post. You must be looking to receive. You are to be observant. You will not receive if you don’t see. Notice it does not say "SIT" at the guard post. It says to “STAND”. Sitting doesn’t take as much effort as standing does. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9Ask, seek, knock all take effort – so does standing. Also notice what Habakkuk says – “I WILL stand”. He has expressed his intent. His will is involved. His choice is activated. He was determined to actively listen to what God had to say. There are times it takes effort to hear God’s voice. There are times it takes effort receive God’s voice. There are times you have to work to have a daily quiet time with God. To “STATION” yourself speaks of perseverance. It talks of sticking it out. It talks of waiting till the answer is given. It talks of looking and looking and keep on looking till an answer is given.

The reason you don’t hear God is because you are too busy. It’s hard for you to station yourself and get quiet. Hurry is the death of prayer. If you want to hear God you have to become quiet. Not only do you need a quiet spot to pray you need a quiet mentality.

Find a quiet place to pray and slow your mind down. You may be resting but your mind is still racing. Your thoughts flip from one subject to the next. You think of all the unfinished tasks you have. You think of all the things you could be doing. Focus is the key.

The next step to receive is to record the insights that you receive. All humans have a tendency to forget. The best way to remember is to write it down. The shortest pencil is longer than most people’s memory.

All have a tendency to take simple things and make them complex. Jesus said it this way: “See the birds of the air. They don’t spin nor reap. Yet the Father above takes care of them. And you are worth more than birds.”

To clarify is to come to understand. Once you understand you can apply and when you apply God’s Word you become Doers of God’ Word.

"Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear!" James 1:22

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