Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sin you can not win with your own strength!

Fully submit your life to God and the leading of His Spirit - place your life in His hands and release your "self" control. Desire to be in His perfect will and serve Him with all your heart.

You were born into slavery...born a slave to sin. The only way to be set free from the mastery of sin and death is to ask for a transfer of ownership and become a slave to God. Your new Master then has the grace and power to shatter the bonds of sin and give you the gift of true freedom. You are never free unto yourself, never your own master. Many live under the illusion of freedom, but you are either a slave to sin or a slave to God. If you refuse to be directed by God, you are directed and controlled by the sinful pulls of the world.

If you are struggling to break the bondage of sin, you must first stop fighting and submit your life to God. Sin is not a battle you can win with your own strength! The only way to be set free is to receive forgiveness through faith in Jesus...and submit. Submission is not just an optional step for the "mature" Christian; rather, it is the essence of a saving faith. A saving faith first understands you cannot save yourself but must submit to the grace of God. You then continue in submission by daily trusting in His grace to live according to the ways of His Spirit.

Romans 8:5-6 "To live according to the sinful nature your mind is set on what the nature desires; but to live in accordance with the Spirit your mind is set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful you is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace."

God is sending out His call around the world. In the stillness of your heart you've heard Him call you to a closer and more intimate relationship - a more consistently submitted life of true devotion and praise. But He is requiring you to make a choice: "Choose whom you will serve" (Joshua 24:15). You have been offered freedom from the power of sin and death. Fully embrace His gift, submit to the leading of His Spirit, and continue to submit at every opportunity, worship Him with all your heart, and forever become...His devoted follower.

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