Thursday, November 3, 2011

God blesses prepared people when the time comes.

God blesses prepared people when the time comes, you may not have a chance to get ready. This means: You must be prepared to stand out from the crowd. Anytime you dress for where you’re going, there’s a good chance you’ll look out of place where you are. You’re not called to blend in; you’re called to stand out! You must know you’ve got a definite destination, otherwise you’ll be tempted to start making excuses and explaining why you’re so different from everybody else. When you know where you’re going, you won’t care, you’ll let them stare. The truth is, when others look at your preparation, they should see your destination. You must prepare now for things your eyes have not yet seen and your ears have not yet heard. That way, when the call comes, ‘Who shall I send’? You’ll be dressed and ready to go! There’s times you will feel out of place, but remind yourself that you’re just passing through.

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