Friday, November 18, 2011

Come out of the Wilderness Wanderings.

Psalm 139:4:11 there remains therefore a rest for the people of God. …  Therefore be diligent to enter that rest, don’t fall according to the same example of disobedience.

Think of the children of Israel as they stood victorious on the shores of the Red Sea. The power of the tyrant had been broken by a series of marvelous miracles. The Promised Land and a settled home all lay within two or three months’,  an easy march. But only two of all those men were destined to see the land flowing with milk and honey; and they did not for forty weary years. The others all died in the wilderness. Their wilderness wanderings are a frightening picture of a restless, aimless, and unsatisfied life.

It Is typical of the lives of many Christians today. Are you really satisfied – spiritually speaking? Or are you stuck somewhere between Egypt and the Promised Land.

 Are you, like the Jews in the wilderness the victims of murmuring and discontent; or deceived by a heart of jealousy and passion, some even of hatred and ill-will? Is your experience in your life a matter of broken promises and shattered hopes, or maybe feelings of purposeless wanderings?

If so Pass the boundary line today, and leave behind forever the bitter, unsatisfactory experiences which have become the normal rule of your existence. Come up out of the wilderness, in which you have wandered so long. For Christ is the Promised Land that flows with milk and honey, in which you eat.

For you have become a partaker in Christ Heb 3:14. You are His partner that shares your life and your destiny with Him and in Him. He is the vine and you are a branch (John 15). His life-force should be flowing through you causing you to grow and bear fruit. Take comfort in the assurance that there is a rest for you in God Heb 4:9. It means that you don’t have to live a weary, aimless life.

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