Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Really knowing Jesus is much more than simply knowing "about" Him.

After being confronted by Jesus, your focus should be forever changed; you’re every desire now to be centered on faith in Jesus and the good news of His gospel. (Philippians 3:10) "You need to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death."The only way to experience the power of Jesus is to live as a new creation to have your sinful nature crucified with Christ; and as a new creation, continually desire to know your Creator.

Really knowing Jesus is much more than simply knowing "about" Him. You can fill your head with every possible biblical fact and still never know Christ. To know Him is to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; to trust Him regardless of your circumstances, and to draw close to His side in your joy as well as your suffering. Nothing else in life has any real meaning; “Consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus as your Lord" (Philippians 3:8a).

Turning up your passion for Jesus will allow you to lose hold of all your worldly attachments; “Consider them rubbish that you may gain Christ" (Philippians 3:8b). By Turning up your passion for Jesus it will allow you to be "content in any and every situation" (Philippians 4:12). By giving yourself fully to knowing Christ, you will gain true contentment and peace.

You will never achieve Peace and contentment through more possessions, activities, or relationships - these are ALL temporary and will fade away with time. Your life will only be truly content when you give yourself to Jesus and love Him without reservation; you will only be filled with His peace as you seek to know Him. You have the ability to know Christ to be close with God’s son and you are promised powerful results!

You may never be asked to give up much for the sake of the gospel; but then again, you may be asked to give up everything! Either way, your heart must always hold loosely to the things of this world. Anything which cannot be released has effectively become a god and crowds the throne which MUST be reserved for the King of Kings. Reconsider your priorities - where you spend your time and what commands your thoughts and consumes your energy. Give yourself fully to Him and make sure nothing has become more important than knowing Christ.

Forever God is faithful, Forever God is strong, Forever God is with you, Forever and ever.

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