Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ’Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.If something or someone bothers you a lot then there is something in you that you need to examine. Usually if you’re perturbed or irritated by someone then most likely it is because you have that same character defect or tendency or sinful nature in you. For when you deal with those things and examine yourself you will become more tolerant of others.
However, there are general exceptions. Sometimes there are things that you react so strongly to not because there is a tendency in you but because you have strong emotional connection to the issue. Many have seen and have lifelong scars and have heard and many have felt the anguish of hurt victims.
However, there are general exceptions. Sometimes there are things that you react so strongly to not because there is a tendency in you but because you have strong emotional connection to the issue. Many have seen and have lifelong scars and have heard and many have felt the anguish of hurt victims.
Get the log out of your own eye. Then you will see clearly (both yourself and others).
As a follower of Jesus you need to take a close look at yourself and become self-aware. Who you are? Who God has created you to be? What things have shaped you?
Have you acted selfishly? Have you truly been loving to others? Have you prejudged anyone? Who do you tend to prejudge? What actions have you done that have hurt others? What do you need to do to make amends?
Get the log out of your own eye. Then you will see clearly (both yourself and others).
As a follower of Jesus you need to take a close look at yourself and become self-aware. Who you are? Who God has created you to be? What things have shaped you?
Have you acted selfishly? Have you truly been loving to others? Have you prejudged anyone? Who do you tend to prejudge? What actions have you done that have hurt others? What do you need to do to make amends?
“You hypocrite!” Jesus declares. Without a moral inventory and without knowledge of yourself you are just a play acting—hypocrite. You look good on the outside and looks like you have your act together. But you don’t. None really do. This is what faith is really about. You don’t have all the answers. You don’t know what is best all the time and probably if you were honest hardly at all. But God does. And He is a great, big God! He knows all and is all powerful.
Many Christians still never get it, so to speak, they never really change and stay stuck in the muck and mire of their past. And many never have taken a total life reflective inventory of their life and past. Just praying for Jesus to forgive you and then go right back to doing what you have always done. If you do what you always done, the way that you have always done it, then you will always get what you have always gotten.
Many Christians still never get it, so to speak, they never really change and stay stuck in the muck and mire of their past. And many never have taken a total life reflective inventory of their life and past. Just praying for Jesus to forgive you and then go right back to doing what you have always done. If you do what you always done, the way that you have always done it, then you will always get what you have always gotten.
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