Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Helplessness is the feeling of powerlessness to help yourself.

Helplessness is the feeling or the fact of powerlessness to help yourself. Your wealth, your friends, your support systems and even your will to live can be taken from you. And at that moment, you’re helpless and only your hope in God will enable you to recover.

All have been in situations where you are powerless or unmotivated to help yourself. If God only helps those who help themselves, all would be in deep trouble and without hope of God’s help. Helplessness is common to the human existence. The feeling of helplessness began at birth and usually precedes your death. Everyone, given enough time, knows the feeling of helplessness. But not everyone knows how to recover from times of helplessness.

When you’re in the midst of life’s test, you often ask, "Why me? Why do I have to have this?""What is the purpose of this test? Can’t I learn the lesson some other way?" "Why can’t it end now? I can’t handle this any longer." Many are still in the middle of their test. The test can be an illness, a frustrating marriage, horrible work situation or many other hard-hitting circumstances.  

Have you looked at what God has already said in His Word, the Bible? You must know enough of God’s ways and goodness to answer your own heart’s questions? God gives open book tests and group tests. When God doesn’t answer your questions, you should already know enough from His Word for the test. But knowing enough for the test does not mean that you will apply what you know to the test. Sometimes, applying what you know to the test requires recall, willingness, emotional stability and confidence. During a test, most draw blanks and forget what they know.

God is control. He is in charge. This is not to say that you are like a puppet on God’s string or like bricks in a wall, that you will stay put until God moves you. Instead, God’s dominion assures you that even when the earth quakes, even when the doctors can’t help, even when your life’s dream turns into a nightmare, even when you’re out of control, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL.

Your present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in you.... For in this hope you were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if you hope for what you do not yet have wait for it patiently (Romans 8:18, 24-25).

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