Thursday, December 15, 2011

God’s ways are higher than your ways

God’s ways are higher than your ways and His thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9).. As The Heavenly Father watches you build your homes of security - watching you frantically moving from here to there, trying to climb to the top of the hill.  He also sees a creation with a VERY limited view of the real world: The Spiritual World.

As seen from God's perspective, you have almost no understanding of how your life fits into His plan or how your current problems are leading you closer to Him. You do not fully see or understand that He is calling you to trust.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Even when you’re facing difficult circumstances walk along God's path and live a life pleasing to Him, Even when you’re not sure which direction to turn. Your indecision is often because you only trust in what you clearly understand and you don’t realize your understanding is not very clear. But God's promise is that as you love and trust Him with all your heart, the path directly in front of you will become straight - as you trust, the decisions will become clear and you will KNOW your next step!

You must truly believe that the Father sees and hears ALL, and that He's infinitely complete in understanding. Where you are fortunate to see a few short steps down the path, He sees the entire journey - the journey leading you "to be conformed to the likeness of His Son" (Romans 8:29), and the destination of spending all eternity praising His name. You must keep stepping out in faith, but you must do so by leaning on Him, continually seeking His direction, and trusting the Father's view.

The Holy Spirits difficult task is to explain to you as a human that you’re stuck in this reality and through your life’s experiences to explain to you what the Spiritual reality is like. He communicates with you as you think like the world thinks. To inspire curiosity and encouraged you to look at the picture more intently until you can see it for yourself.

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