Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sticks and stones may break your bones

"Sticks and stones may break your bones but words CAN deeply hurt you" words spoken harshly and critically can wound deeply. And when things like that happen you need to know what to need to know how to respond. What to do when people hurt you?

First, when others hurt you, you should not be surprised. Hurts are a normal part of life. You should expect them. Second, you should not allow hurts to fester into bitterness and resentment. You must learn to remember the best and forget the rest. Finally, you should not try to get even with the one who has hurt you. You should leave vengeance to God.

The world is full of people who establish their worth by degrading others. They have pockets and purses full of put-downs...and they’ll give them out to anyone. But you can refuse to accept their insults...even when they are tossed at you in the appearance of love.

By ignoring them, you’ll reduce tension...strengthen your relationships...and increase your joy. But just remember...hurts are a fact of life. They come to everybody. So when it happens to you - don’t be surprised!

The next thing you need to see is when others hurt you - you can become bitter if you are not alert to the normal Worlds response to the feelings of HURT. But simply relate the experience as a warning to someone who may experience the same dilemma and then quickly move on to other matters. Don’t nurse or rehears the evil deed. Hold no hint of bitterness or resentment in your heart.

One of the surest signs that a HURT has turned to bitterness and resentment is that you keep reviewing in your mind and rehashing in your conversation the wrong you have suffered. But the effects of hate and bitterness are deadly. They are like acid. They do more damage in the vessel that stores it than the object they are poured on. Physically they increase your blood pressure...emotionally they contribute to depression...spiritually they hinder worship and prayer...and socially they make you a sourpuss and unpleasant to even be around.

Carrying a grudge is a loser’s game. It is the ultimate frustration because it leaves you with more pain than you had in the first place. If you don’t forgive those who wrong you, then you allow them to hurt you more than once. They hurt you once...and they hurt you again every time you recall it. Your memory becomes a videotape in your soul that plays unending reruns of your pain.

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