Thursday, December 1, 2011

To God you are exactly what He is looking for.

To God you are exactly what He is looking for. You are a willing vessel. God does not choose the qualified He qualifies the chosen. You have been predestined for something; God has a plan for you he has chosen you. You are called, you are chosen, and you were made for a reason.
Jeremiah 1:5 Before God formed thee in the belly He knew thee, before thee camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee...

Ephesians 1:11 He Predestined you according to His purpose. His way, His will not yours. Until you submit to the calling of God in your life you will never truly be at peace.

Romans 8:29-30 God knew you before you were created; He also predestinated you to be conformed to the image of His Son, that you might be the firstborn among many believers. Also when He did predestinate you, He also called you: and you whom He called, He has also justified you and whom He justified, He has also glorified.

What does it mean to be called? It means God has overcome the rebellion of your heart and drawn you to Christ and created faith and love where there once a heart of stone.

The call is a creation of faith. You were called and are justified. Justified means you have been judged and found worthy of salvation. You are fit to be saved. So if you are picked, called and justified why would God want to ship you to hell every time you error.

Romans 8:31 What should you think to these things? If God be for you, who can be against you?

Romans 8:32 God that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for you, how shall he not be with you and also freely give you all things? Freely (without any conditions or fine print) give you what? All Things!

God knew you before He created you; He set his favor upon you. He chose you to be like Jesus. God has called you according to His purpose. Set you aside, you are special. You are a chosen one. Seek your calling. For God is with you, so it does not matter who’s against you.

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