Saturday, May 5, 2012

When you’re in worship, Jesus deals with what’s controlling you.

Understand that the mission of the devil is to kill, steal and destroy. He doesn’t care anything about you, he just wants to try to abort God’s plan for you. He tries to keep you bound, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. He understands that if you are free that you will realize the potential God has placed in you, that if you realize that you are free from Jesus Christ that you can turn this world upside down and he does not want that. Therefore, he places a stronghold in your mind.

You must first understand that a stronghold is a mind-set that is saturated with the spirit of hopelessness, helplessness, depression, discouragement, despair, and anxiety so that it causes you to accept an unchangeable and irreversible situation in your life even though you may know it goes contrary to the Will of God. This is the nuclear weapon of spiritual warfare the devil uses. He understands that if he can cause you to accept a situation in your life that is contrary to the will of God that you will never be able to tear down his kingdom. It is because of these strongholds and deceptions by the devil that you can be bound in your mind thinking this is the way it is supposed to be.

Because of this way of thinking you can be bound physically, emotionally, and spiritually making you unable to do what the Lord wants you to do. Many are being enslaved mentally, physically, and spiritually. Others have been placed in a solitary confinement of physical pain, discomfort, and disease. They are being held captive behind these seemingly impassable bars and inescapable walls, being made to believe that this is all there is to life. Mentally messed up, emotionally, and spiritually lost, they are aimlessly wandering through life bound hopelessly waiting to die, imagining that if everything would be over, if what they have experienced in this life would just cease from being that they would be free. They are disappointedly unable to see that God has a far more excellent and abundant life. They are bound.

This is how the man at Gadara felt in: (Mark 5:1-15) he was tormented day and night; he was cutting himself looking for some relief. The citizens of Gadara tried to control him with worldly stuff but to no avail; however, when you get to the 6th verse you can see how deliverance comes.
It is in the 6th . The number 6 is the number of man. Here you are going to see something about this man of Gadara. The 6th verse you find the crux of this scripture and the process which truly brings deliverance. And what will make the statement “No Longer Bound” a true statement.
VS 6: - “But when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worship him”. WATCH THIS:- here is a man that was possessed by about 6000 demons. There are no chains controlling him on the outside, but he is violent controlled on the inside. Yet when he sees Jesus afar off he ran to Him, understand that this is not the unclean spirit controlling him. He ran and worshipped him. Now when he ran and worshipped he fell down at his feet
“And he cried with a loud voice (who cried – not the man but the unclean spirit), and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, [thou] Son of the most high God? I appeal thee by God, that thou torment me not’. Understand this is not the man speaking this is the unclean spirit, because the man is in worship he is in a spiritual atmosphere that he hasn’t been in for a long time, he’s in the presence of God in worship. This man is in total praise and worship.
The Bible says and he cried out with a loud voice, understand this was the unclean spirit and it is having now a conversation with the Lord Jesus, all while the man is in worship. The unclean spirit trembles at the name of Jesus, but in His presence he understands that his time is almost up that a change is about to take place. So he says to Jesus, “What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God”. The unclean spirit, that spirit that was controlling the man had to acknowledge who Jesus was and then he began to plead for his existence. I appeal thee by God that thou torment me not. Here these unclean spirits tormented this man for a long time yet they plead their case with Jesus and say torment me not. The 9th verse says “Jesus asked him What [is] thy name?” This is Jesus talking to the unclean spirit that was controlling the man, because when the man fell in worship he broke the control the unclean spirit had upon him so when he fell in the spiritual since the unclean spirit is left standing face to face with Jesus. He had left the natural and had gone now into the spiritual realm. So now Jesus is talking to that which was controlling the man on the inside and said what is thy name. And he answered, saying, My name [is] Legion: for we are many”. So Jesus commanded the legion to come out of the man, they begged Him send us into the swine. A heard of 2000 swine were on the hillside, the unclean spirits got in the swine and the swine ran violently down the hillside and drowned themselves in the sea. But what you must see here is when and how this man received deliverance. This man received his deliverance when he was in worship. Understand that when he was in worship, Jesus was dealing with that spirit that was controlling him.
When he was in worship Jesus cast out the unclean spirit.
When he was in worship Jesus changed his life.
When he was in worship Jesus fixed it.
When he was in worship Jesus restored his right mind.
When he was in worship Jesus clothed him.
When he was in worship Jesus turned it around.
When he was in worship deliverance came.
When he was in worship victory was given.
When he was in worship the unclean spirits that held him bound on the inside were cast out of him.

When he was in worship Jesus worked it out.
Don’t leave this page being bound by something on the inside.

Understand that when you worship, Jesus will deal with that spirit that has been controlling you.

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