Wednesday, May 2, 2012


It’s all about going "Home." Not an earthly home, but the heavenly home. It’s the hope of all Christians. So open your mind and let your imagination paint a picture of Heaven. Get a vision of this wondrous place as a reality and not just some faraway destination. Rejoice as you look forward to going there to be with God.

There is no possible way to explain to you the awesomeness of Heaven – and there is little spoken about it because the human mind cannot comprehend such a place. There will be no Baptists in heaven, no Pentecostals, no Presbyterians, no Catholics, and no Methodists. All human given labels will be left outside, and only those who have had their sins cleansed away and forgiven by Jesus Christ will be admitted.

Heaven is a mystery, but it is a real place spoken of by the Word of God and the fact that (for MY DAD) the spirit that is in him longs for it and senses it. It is kind of like the young boy who was flying a kite and he flew it so high that it flew out of sight. Someone asked him “where it is” and he just pointed up into the sky. Someone asked, “How do you know it’s there?” The little boy answered, “I know it’s there because I can feel it tug.” And that is how it is with my Dad He knows Heaven’s there because He can feel its tug on His soul... and He longs to be there.

It’s not so much that He’s in a hurry to die - but He’s homesick! You get homesick when you’re going through trials that test your body and soul. Sometimes you feel like John wrote (while on the isle of Patmos) “Come Quickly, Lord Jesus. Come Quickly.” John said, he was tired and weary. His body was hurting and his spirits were low, and he saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.

Not only that, but John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And he heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Yes... John said, “He got homesick!” life and all that goes with it can sometimes wear you out! But heaven will be a great reward for those who are saved! The spiritual meaning of Heaven is: “A place of the everlasting blessedness for the righteous.” In other words, “Heaven is a reward for those who have remained faithful.”

Jesus said, “There are many rooms and many mansions there!” Nothing you’ve ever seen on earth will be able to compare with it!

– It’s a city without pain – A city without sorrow – A city without sickness and without death – There is no darkness there. The Lamb of God is the light there – It needs no sun – It needs no moon – There will be no temper there. Think of a place where temptation cannot come!

Think of a place where you will be free from sin; where pollution cannot enter, and where the righteous shall reign forever. Think of a city that is not built with hands, where the buildings do not grow old with time; a city whose inhabitants no census has numbered except the Book of Life, which is a heavenly directory. Think of a city through whose streets are crime free, where no hearses creep slowly to the cemetery; a city without grief’s or graves, without sins or sorrows, without marriages or mourning’s, without births or burials; A city which glories in having Jesus for its king, angels for its guards, and whose citizens are saints! That kind of makes you home sick!! No wonder My Dad wants to fly away!

And I believe that My Dad now thinks about them.

In other words, up there, My Dad will have:
– A new Body – No more being tired and exhausted – No more aches and pains – No back pains, stomach pains, or joint pains – No more Cancer or other diseases...
– No more arthritis...He will be changed into a heavenly body that is perfect and all His senses will be perfect like they were meant to be!

Dad is homesick because the city of Heaven will be pure an holy and nothing else will enter in! There’s No more locking your doors. No more being afraid. No more murder. No more guilt and shame. No more fight and constant struggle to do what’s right. No more Satan or demons. No more temptation. No more struggle. No more Tears. No more being hurt by people. No more being let down by others. No more depression or loneliness.  No more problems and No more wants.

But the main reason Dad is homesick is because he knows that God is there! Yes. Dad is looking forward to that moment when he will be able to stand in the actual presence of God, to see his face to experience the fullness of his glory and to worship before him.

You see when you’re saved you recognize that “Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people!” Scripture says, “No Eye hath seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” And so, my Dad soon will be going "Home."  I understand Dad! I recognize that you just got “Homesick”

I do cry because I’m going to miss my Dad but know this: Heaven is guaranteed for all those who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. It’s hard to let go of the people you love. It’s hard to watch them breath their last breathe. But as a Christian we have a hope that is far greater than any other. For when my Dad has his last breathe then begins eternity.


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