Thursday, May 24, 2012

Are you feeling the meaningless life

The top of the mountain doesn’t go on forever; and the time quickly approaches when life would see you going over the side and falling swiftly into the valley once more.

Have you discovered that you spend a lot more time going down into, staying in the depths of, or struggling to climb out of the valley, than you have on the mountaintop? And have you also come to know that it is not on the mountaintop as much as it is in the struggles of the valley that faith in God is built and made stronger.

First of all you must take note that God has placed within you a natural desire for seeking the truth of his existence. Though many will suppress that desire and even deny its existence because they refuse to give God a place in their lives, yet that emptiness and thirst down deep inside cannot be quenched by anything other than the presence of the Lord. There is a place in your heart that nothing, nor anyone else can fill, but Jesus. So many search for something to satisfy that longing inside, but nothing can make them ultimately happy.

You can give a human all the wealth of the world and it won’t satisfy the emptiness of their heart and soul. King Solomon had so many wives and lovers that his palace was becoming crowded but no other person can fill that void that only Jesus can fill, and in the end Solomon could only say that all of life was filled with vanity; things that have no meaning without God. All of the excitement of travel, vacations, sports, or accomplishments in the world of business cannot satisfy that thirst, and in a moment the temporary high disappears. Drugs and alcohol are nothing more than tools that humans use to dull the reality of the pain in their hearts because of the emptiness and sinking feeling of the meaningless life that they live without Jesus, a life without purpose or fulfillment.

As long as you are in this world there is always a battle to fight. Sometimes the battles are with natural enemies, those who seem to be chasing after you all the time to take what you have worked hard to earn, or to steal that which God has blessed you with.

Sometimes the battle you fight is more in the realm of the supernatural. You can never let down your guard against the enemy of your soul because Satan and the powers of darkness never sleep and he is a relentless foe, every seeking whom he may devour. Satan is ever roaring, searching for Christians who have strayed from the presence of God and gone searching for greener pastures out in the world. Spiritual warfare never ceases and the closer you stay to the Lord, the safer you will be.

Staying close to God doesn’t make you immune to Satan’s attacks, but when you are close to God, then you have only a short distance to “Run” before you can feel his grace keeping you from falling prey to the devil.

You’re often running as fast as you can to get away from the attacks of the devil but you should simply stand fast in God and resist the devil. As long as you are running, he won’t stop chasing. But the instant you stand upon the Word of God in faith and resist him, Satan has to turn and flee.

When you seek him you will find him; when you ask of him you will receive and when you knock on the doors of Heaven; they will be opened to you. But notice this – you have to make the first move! You have to ask, seek and knock first! There are too many Christians who just sit around expecting God to answer their prayer that they never pray to begin with; to open doors of blessing without ever knocking on the door, and who also expect God to reveal himself to them in a greater measure every day while they never seek to know him more!

Why do many Christians have so much trouble? Why does God allow you to become tempted and tried? Why are you always running from the devil, and walking in dry, thirsty places in the spiritual realms? The answer is that God has to allow something or someone to chase you, so ultimately it make you run to him, which is where you should have been in the first place!

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