Thursday, June 28, 2012


When you are in a place between there and there and you begin to ask God What Am I Going To Do While I am Where I AM, Lord Now What!!! It is within this place that every child of God must go through at some time or another. Noah went through it, it was called the flood, Abraham went through it, it was called the Mount of Moriah, Moses went through it, it was called the desert experience, the Israelites went through it, it was called the wilderness, Elijah went through it, it was called Zarephath, the 3 Hebrew boys went through it, it was called the fiery furnace, Daniel went through it, it was called the lion’s den, Paul went through it, it was called prison, John went through it, it was called Patmos, and you must at some point go through this place.

Understand that this is the place that God is developing your character. This is your wilderness experience, your lion’s den and your fiery furnace. This place that you’ll find yourself in is a lonely place sometimes. It is a place that you often will feel rejected and neglected, but understand that it’s at this place your being selected and inspected this wilderness experience is to develop your character.

1st Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show praises to God who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

The Divine purpose for you is not just a mere external imitation of Christ but an internal transformation. Because you can look Holy on the outside and be pure hell on the inside, but an internal transformation is Holy on the inside and will cause the outside to be Holy. You can’t just have a form of godliness, but you must have the power. The form of godliness will let you get to a place, but the power will keep you at that place. The form of godliness will bring a storm in your life but the power will take you through that storm.

The ultimate measure of you as a person is not where you stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but what your Character is made of in the difficult to understand moments of life. Understand that reputations are built in a moment, but character is built in a lifetime. Reputation is what others say about you, Character is what the angels say about you. Reputation is the form of godliness; character is the power of it. When you succeed momentarily it is because of what you know, when you succeed temporarily it is because of what you do, when you permanently succeed it is because of what you are.

The reason that you will experience the wilderness or the reason you will be between there and there is because God is working on your character. He is trying to get you to a point that you are able to stand in the midst of a challenge and controversy with comfort and confidence, not in what you know, but because of who and whose you are.

This is the point where your character is developed, and you get to the point where you say Lord I need you. When you’re done trying to do everything yourself, where your trying fix the situation yourself and all you do is make it a bigger mess then it was before. God is trying to get you to the point where you are totally leaning on Him. He is trying to develop your character so that you realize that you need Him. When you get to the point that you realize that you need God every hour, not just when things are bad, but when things are good. Then it will become your character.

When your character is developed, when you’re totally depending on God to fight your battles for you, then you can put your energy into developing yourself in God.

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHILE YOUR AT WHERE YOU ARE when you got to lean and depend upon Jesus. Trust in him and he will provide. That is what Job meant when he said though He slay me yet will I trust Him, If you trust Him He will, not maybe, but he will provide.

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