Thursday, June 7, 2012

Just as gravity will pull you down when you jump change must happen in life, for to live is to grow; to grow is to change. Therefore, to live is to change, and any thought that you can avoid change in life is pure illusion.

What was once considered normal is now not because of change. At one time it was normal to have the television go off at a certain time of the night, but because of change that is not normal any more. There was a time when a telephone was in every room of the house was the norm, but because of change most people don’t have a home phone why because cell phones have changed the way you communicate. Automobiles, Airplanes, Trains, and Cruise Ships have changed the way you travel. The internet has changed the way you can do business and meet people. Because of change what was once a big world has become ever increasingly small because it is nothing to get on your computer and talk to a person on the other side of the planet. That is the result of change.

Change is inevitable – Change is constant. Change is going to happen regardless, the question is how can you cause change to work in your favor. The Bible says in Hebrews 12:1 “lay aside every weight”, in other words there is some stuff that has to change.

Although this is a true statement it is just another way of saying that you are stuck in a rut. One of the definitions of rut is “A fixed, usually boring routine” If you continue to do the same thing in that rut you will stay in that rut.

Many are stuck in a rut in their lives they continually do the same thing over and over again only going deeper and deeper into the rut they are currently in. They refuse to change because their mindset is that I am comfortable or I can control what I am doing and they are fearful of change.

Change can be very threatening because change will bring with it a level of uncertainty and because of that uncertainty people develop an attitude or spirit of fear – 2nd Timothy 1:7 says “For God hath not given you the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”. Therefore you should not be fearful of change.

Refusal to change is called stubbornness and the Bible talks about stubbornness some 28 times and 19 more times it uses the word "stiff-necked," these words are talking about people that refuse to change. God wants everyone to let go of stubbornness and return to Him – in other words change. While the truth never changes, times change, people change, situations change, and methods change so when your traditions are no longer relevant, you need to be open to change – WHY - for to live is to grow; to grow is to change. It is crazy to continue to do the same thing and think something different is going to happen.

2nd Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any one [be] in Christ, [they] are a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new” Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever”. Jesus never changes, since Jesus is the Word of God in the flesh – WACTH THIS – God’s word never changes, therefore, if it is in the Word of God it can’t change regardless of whose feelings are hurt or what laws are passed.

You can’t change your past but you can change your present situation that will ultimately change your future. Live one day at time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accept hardships as the pathway to peace, accept you live in a sinful world and Trust that God will make all things right if you surrender to His Will; and that you may be reasonably happy in this life and completely happy with Him Forever in the next.

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