Friday, April 6, 2012

Money will try to make you less desperate for God.

Money will try to convince you that you are more superior or more entitled to what you have than people who have less. Money will try to make you less desperate for God. Money will try to make you forget in a real, concrete, moment-by-moment, generosity producing way that you are a sinner saved by grace that you didn’t deserve, and every gift you have, your body, your mind, your IQ, your education, your experience, all that stuff is a gift from God. You didn’t earn any of it. So the idea that somehow you have what’s coming to you and just let the rest of the world earn their own way is just sin.

The rich man does not remember. The rich man does not repent. He has one more errand for Lazarus to be sent on. “Well then, let him go tell my brothers if someone rises from the dead and goes to my brothers then they will listen.”Abraham says to him, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.” You remember Jesus is telling this story to the Pharisees who loved money, and they would not listen to Jesus.

Scripture says, “In light of what Jesus has done, tell those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant or put their hope in wealth which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God. Command them.” You’re commanded to do good, “Be rich in good deeds. Be generous. Be willing to share. In this way, you will lay up treasures for yourself a firm foundation for the coming age so that you may take hold of the life that is truly life.”

Money will tell you that if you grab onto money it will give you the life that is truly life, and it won’t. Only Jesus will give you that. As you grab hold of Jesus, then money becomes something to share, and then you find you don’t get less life, you get more life.

What can God do through a single person? Maybe you can start something that will touch people globally, and if you can, do it. If you have those kinds of gifts or networks, dream big…dream big. Maybe you can encourage one single desperate human being. See God can use anything. The scale doesn’t matter.

Using your life, your mind, your gifts, and your money to let somebody know for sure God loves them is just the best. It’s just the best.

Ask God: Heavenly Father, would you help me to go on this great adventure with my mind over powered with a understanding of thankfulness? God, I am gifted with so much that I don’t even know what to do with it. It just piles up in places. So would you help me, God, for you’ve blessed me so much and have given me the great adventure, through the generosity and love of Jesus my Savior?

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