Sunday, April 29, 2012

Are you ready to rise up and walk, or continue lying in self-pity

John 5:1-8 The name Bethesda means “house of pity or mercy”. That’s certainly what these poor suffering people needed. It is terrible to think that right there at the Sheep Gate, where the sacrificial lambs were brought in, that there would such a display of suffering humanity. Right at the very entrance, if you will, of the path to worship, lay people without hope. There they lay, day after day, night after long night, with only one hope – to beat everybody else to the water when it began to stir from the presence of the Angel of the Lord.

Look around your world today, and sometimes right there in the House of God, you’ll see so many who are in the same condition as these people were around the Pool of Bethesda. Not a day goes by when you’ll fail to hear of someone else in pain and suffering. The world is filled with people who need both pity and mercy. It’s as though the entire world now was a giant Pool of Bethesda and everywhere you look there is nothing but suffering.

Just as then it is today you need a visitation of Jesus once again! You need that grieving heart of the Savior to walk among you, to take pity upon you, to show mercy and grace once again, and lift you out of the place where you have laid for so long. You cannot lift yourself up. There is no power in human flesh over that which is destroying the souls of humans. The power to heal and deliver can only be found in the supernatural; that ability that only God can give.

The power of sin has immobilized the souls of humans. They cannot see to walk with God, they cannot hear the voice of the Lord, they cannot understand the leading of the Spirit and they don’t perceive the Word of the Bible because it all must come as God enables. Flesh cannot break through to that spiritual realm without the grace and mercy of God to open your eyes and ears that you might see and hear the supernatural.

It’s the Spirit of God only that supernatural power to overcome can be made manifest in your life. You can’t conjure up the Holy Spirit. There are a lot of things going on in the hearts of humans today that are nothing more than fleshly works, things that they have tried to manufacture to make it seem that the Spirit of God is moving; but there’s no supernatural power. You can have a form of godliness without the power of God.  

If you are going to be changed, you must be drawn by the Spirit of God as he troubles the waters of your soul. You must experience the supernatural power of God to change the heart. Nothing else works but the power of God!

John 5:8 … Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. You may have been fighting with things in your life that has kept you bound and limited for a very long time, perhaps your whole life. Maybe it’s a secret sin, or something in your life that hinders the moving of the supernatural within you. Maybe it’s a bit of doubt and unbelief that keeps you from believing that God could really move for you, that God will really answer your prayer and set you free. Maybe its depression, or physical issues, that keep you from experiencing God’s best. Whatever it is, you’ve been laying in that place long enough.
Maybe you’re just waiting on a sign; something supernatural to stir the waters or a bolt of lightning out of Heaven; or the audible voice of God to speak to you? Just like the Jews at the Pool of Bethesda. You might have convinced yourself that God can’t move without some kind of shout, or some other kind of stirring! The very Son of God is with you right now, and the question is, “Will you be made whole”? Are you ready to get up and move on in God?

Jesus told him, “Rise up, pick up that thing that has had you bound, and walk on in victory!” There’s nothing too hard for God. Whether it’s a lifetime of sin and shame, a load of guilt that suffocates you, or a hindering spirit that lingers near you always bringing doubt and fear that you will look foolish for believing God, or it’s a fear of just stepping out by faith – the supernatural power of God to set you free is here right now and there’s nothing too hard for him to do. Don’t lie around, bound with chains that keep you from experiencing God’s best for your life. You have the supernatural power of God in your hands. The Holy Spirit is stirring the waters of your heart and soul. Jesus is asking, “Are you ready to rise up and walk, or are you going to continue lying in self-pity?”

It’s time you said, “Yes, Lord, and without excuse, just get up, rise up, and get about the Lord’s business.”

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