Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wrestling with Sodom or Safety.

What happened to Lot’s wife? Instead of just living in Sodom somehow she had gotten to the point spiritually where now Sodom was living in her! Scripture tells us that Sodom was a wicked city! It’s disgusting rottenness was a stench in the nostrils of God! Lot & HIS family had to be “dragged” out of the city by the arm. Why? Scripture shows she was a woman who had the opportunity to escape! But in spite of a visitor from heaven, SHE STILL FAILED! Genesis 19:1-19:29

Can you see the struggle? Every step becomes slower than the last, the others are pressing on to freedom with God, but watch her she is slowing, and then she stops…
and you can hear the voice of satan “GO BACK turn around, that’s where all your friends are, your family, just over your shoulder is where all the good times are ”Softly in the other ear you hear God saying “ Go on, climb to a new heights, keep on the journey, better days are ahead.” Its decision time now Mrs. Lot… One last time her unsurrendered divided heart will rise its voice and say: “ TURN AROUND AND GO BACK HOME” Lot, his daughters, the angels there are now well ahead of her climbing up the hill and out of the valley…and scripture says “she looked back” And IMMEDiately she became a pillar of salt… No 2nd chance, IT WAS OVER…Her divided, unsurrendered heart became her DOOM! Remember Lot’s wife - No matter how trivial you may think a commandment from God is, you have to take God seriously (vs. 17) the most obvious thing you see when you remember Lot’s wife is that she didn’t do what God said! You have to take God seriously. Her divided heart; Cost Her, Her Life!  Beware… that one last time may be the last time!

If God has delivered you from something, don’t look back – He CAN bring you out!
Just like Lot’s wife, God has given you warnings, all kinds of opportunities.
If Lot, his wife and daughters could speak to you today, They would say: “What’s important is where you are going.”

What happened to Lot’s wife is still happening today. It’s extremely hard to walk away from something that you are comfortable with. Your yesterdays are gone so don’t be worried about what is behind you rather than what is yet to come. The Lord graciously delivers you from things in your life, but you feel you have to continue looking back at those things. As you move forward this day, remember that, “What’s important is where you are going, not where you have been.” If you continue to focus on that, all of your life will be richly blessed and you will continue to become the person that God has created you to become. Luke 17:20-17:32 Remember Lot’s wife!

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