Monday, January 9, 2012

What is God’s part and what is your part?

What is God’s part and what is your part? Sometimes trust means that you do nothing except let go and sit and wait for God? Other times trust means that you get active and make some plans and start to do things and allow God to empower and guide while you are in motion? You can see the tension? Does trusting mean that you do nothing and wait on God, or does it mean that you seek God actively as you get moving along?

God gave you the ability to make decisions. But don’t try to make all the decisions yourself, without involving God in your daily life. But it is wrong to never make decisions. That leads to disobedience: for example, if God tells you to go one direction, and you sit around waiting for Him to tell you whether to walk or run or take a bus, you end up staying in the same place, you have disobeyed God’s call to go. Sometimes all He tells you is to go, and He leaves the method of travel up to you to decide.

Trusting God means BOTH that you wait on Him for guidance and direction and leadership – AND it also means that you get going in the direction He points you in. God speaks as you move, as you act. He often just brings you from one point to the next point. So you see that trusting in God means waiting for His direction, and then starting to head in that direction trusting Him for the power and abilities to get there.

Sometimes in life you get stuck. You get in a rut, you can feel like you’re spinning your wheels, you’re discouraged and going nowhere. If so, think about this – are you stuck because you don’t know where to go, or are you stuck because you do know where to go but are waiting for something else to happen before heading that direction? If you don’t know where to go, then you need to pray and seek God for guidance, and wait – and let go – and listen. And on the other hand, if you are stuck but you do know which way you should be headed, get going. Make the necessary decisions, stop waiting for each piece of the puzzle to fall into place before taking the first step, and just get moving. God will lead.

Trusting God means waiting on Him for direction, AND it also means using your mind and gifts that He has given you to head in that direction. As long as you head in that direction in His strength and not in your own, as long as you continue to trust Him along the way and even let Him make mid-course corrections, you can be confident that you are walking in His power and not your own. Joshua 2:1-24

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