Thursday, January 26, 2012

Putting your trust in God for everything.

Most of your worrying is for sometime in the future, even if it’s only as far in the future as lunch. But most of our worrying is about what you anticipate is yet to come, or won’t come when you think you need it to. Jesus said: “Do not be anxious about tomorrow,” it would seem you would be a whole lot more peaceful and trusting God if you’re staying in today’s thoughts. Consider what Jesus had ahead of Him. He really HAD to stay focused on each day and what God had for Him for that day. If He was focused on His upcoming tortuous death, He would not have been able to function as He did, let alone be in the peace and joy He obviously had for He said, “My peace I leave with you, not as the world. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful” (John 14:27). If He told you this, He must have expected that it was possible. He did it; He stayed in today and was able to stay in peace. So what are you troubled about? Is there anything you’re anxious about? What lurks ahead of you that you are concerned today on that may or may not come in the future?

Can you enter into the great adventure of putting your trust in God for everything, even when you have no resources? Trusting in God is a matter of the heart, not of things, people or circumstances. You can exchange worry and anxiety for faith and trust in God. It’s one or the other. Doctors will tell you that a huge percentage of illnesses come from stress or worry. And the thing about worry is that it doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t help the situation. What did worry ever do for you? Or for someone else you’re worrying about? If there was ever anything that took up more time, energy or robbed you of enjoying life, it’s worry and fear of what’s going to happen.

The antidote for worry is largely taken care of by focusing on today and occupying yourself with God and His goodness today. Remember the old saying about how many things get worried about that never happened. What if you really didn’t worry about tomorrow? Penetrate into your spirit that God who is in heaven above has allowed you to know Him! He is the ever living God and He is with you; He knows you personally and allows you to know Him. He wants to pass on His goodness into your life. How awesome is it that God is interested in you knowing Him and letting you know how much He cares for you? Now if you’re focusing on that throughout the day, there will be little room for worry.

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